Linda McConaughy
I grew up on the west side of Cleveland in a family of makers and artists. I moved to the East Coast after college, and recently returned to the Cleveland area after a career as an art educator and art program supervisor in Baltimore, Maryland. I create artworks that reflect a desire to attend to and decode dialogue with place and time. I pivot between work that looks inward and outward, forward to what is possible, and backward to ways the past frames the present.
My work includes many media: recycled materials, wood, paint, collage, and collected/found objects. I am inspired by artists Hannelore Baron, Ingrid Ellison Joan Mitchell, Robert Smithson, and work associated with the Fluxus movement.
My work has been exhibited locally at The Artist Archives of the Western Reserve and nationally in many juried exhibits. I am a recipient of a 2023 Ohio Arts Council Award of Excellence.
email: lindymcconaughy@gmail.com
insta: lindamcconaughy